Your eyes are the windows to the world, providing you with the ability to experience life's beauty and wonders. However, in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often neglect the maintenance of good eye health. Though our eye health indeed improves as our overall health improves, sometimes our eyes need a little extra boost to remain on top of their health. Want to unfold them? Let’s do so in this blog:
Common Eye Conditions And Risks If Your Eye Health Is Compromised
Imagine a dark world that’s void of vibrant colours, complex details, breathtaking views and the ease of living life on your terms. Yes, blindness leaves you completely dependent on other people and robs you of your freedom and the beauty that surrounds you. Is that a life that you wish for?
Your eyes are assets that no amount of physical or monetary assets can be equivalent to. Neglecting the simple tips that keep your eye health in optimum condition can lead to eye conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, glaucoma, dry eyes, night blindness, red eyes, eye herpes, pink eye, eyelid cyst, age-related macular degeneration and several other known and unknown eye issues. The longer your eye problem remains untreated, the worse it gets and can lead to permanent damage.
So you might question how to maintain eye health. The simple answer is recognizing the symptoms and understanding the risk factors for these common eye conditions. Symptoms may include persistent headaches, difficulty focusing, or even changes in colour perception. Risk factors include prolonged screen time, insufficient breaks during work or study sessions, and neglecting routine eye check-ups.
Healthy Lifestyle Habits for Brighter Eyes
Maintaining optimal eye health goes beyond just avoiding eye strain. You might keep wondering how to improve eye health but only following a healthy lifestyle will solve your vision problems. Let’s see what lifestyle changes you must introduce in your routine for the eyes:
Balanced Diet
Plan your meals with dishes rich in essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, Lutein, and vitamins A, C, and E. The best foods for eye health include carrots, egg, fish, kale, seeds, beef, leafy greens, oysters, sweet potatoes, broccoli, beans, red peppers, chickpeas, yoghurt, spinach, and almonds. The list doesn’t end here! It goes beyond veggies and also covers fruits for eye health. The best fruits for the eyes are citrus fruits, kiwi, grapefruits, and strawberries. The more you plan your meals around these nutrients, fruits and foods, you become fit to keep age-related vision problems at bay.
Quality Sleep
When you spend hours in front of a screen and compromise with your sleep cycle or routine, your eye health significantly declines. So adequate rest or 7 to 9 hours of sleep not only revitalises your body but also allows your eyes to recover from the day's strain. So follow a consistent sleep schedule for the best eye health. You can also try melatonin sleep gummies for healthy night sleep everyday.
Vitamins for Eyes

If you struggle to design your diet to include all the vital nutrients in your meals, simply welcome supplements for eye health such as What's Up Eye Health Gummies in your routine to ensure optimum eye health. Infused with the goodness of Zeaxanthin, Lutein, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba Extract and Vitamin A, this preservatives-free, gluten-free, vegan gummy offers both short-term and long-term benefits. From solving dry eyes to age-related eye problems, these gummies are superfoods for the eyes. Just have one every day and your eyes will thank you.
Proper Lighting in Study Room
Do not neglect the amount of light your study room or workspace has. A well-lit space is vital for the eyes. Avoid harsh lights in study space and focus on the positioning of lights to reduce eye strain.
Protective Measures for Optimal Eye Health
All your efforts to maintain eye health prove futile if you overlook the eye health tips mentioned below:
- Regular eye check-ups are indispensable for maintaining good eye health. Even if you don't currently experience vision problems, routine eye examinations can detect issues at an early stage, allowing for timely intervention.
- We all are aware of physical exercises for our body, but our eyes are no exception. Our eyes also need to participate in regular activities to keep the eye muscles agile. Simple exercises like the 20-20-20 rule—looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes or even simple blinking let your eyes rest.
- Just like your skin, your eyes also require UV protection. Prolonged exposure to the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays improves the risk of cataracts and other eye conditions. So it’s recommended to put on high-quality sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays to shield your eyes from potential damage.
The only answer to ‘How to improve eye health?’ is adopting a holistic approach to eye care. It is the only way to preserve and improve your vision irrespective of age. Simple practices like following a balanced diet, ensuring proper sleep, and abiding by recommended protective measures can enhance your eye health significantly.
Remember, your eyes deserve the best care to continue providing you with the gift of sight. Take proactive steps in the form of including supplements for eye health, and make regular eye check-ups a non-negotiable part of your routine.
Though the concept of eye health supplements is pretty new, they are proven highly effective and complement the efforts one puts into maintaining eye health. What’s Up Wellness is a leading online store that has unrolled its line of health gummies targeting eye concerns and a range of other health concerns. Including these supplements in your routine lets you take the first step towards being healthier. Your health is worth the investment!